Woodsmoke Camping Resort
T-Shirt Illustrations
Woodsmoke Camping Resort, an RV campground located in Fort Myers, Florida, offers a friendly and engaging environment for campers from all over the country. The client wanted to create three custom t-shirt designs that showcased the beautiful and unique outdoors of the campground and Southwest Florida. Once the three designs are completed, all of the Woodsmoke residents would have the opportunity to vote on their favorite design. The chosen design would then be printed on t-shirts and sold at the campground.
The inspiration for the art direction of all three t-shirt designs came from vintage national park posters. The client asked that the designs be on trend with other park designs, including having a faded, retro look.
I began by choosing three unique themes: 1. Trees/River/Birds, 2. Mangroves/Beach/Sunset, and 3. RV Camping/Lifestyle. I then created mood boards that included a color palette, illustrations and photos from the campground or nearby beaches. These mood boards helped the client envision the direction of the overall look and feel, while also guiding my illustrations. Using the Procreate application on an iPad, I illustrated three unique landscapes and added color and texture.
The client posted the three designs on Facebook and the campers voted. Option 1 (pink bird) had the most votes, followed closely by option 2 (green mangrove). The client chose to print both option 1 and 2 since they were both popular.
Option 1